The project

Read more about GO-SENS.


GO-SENS is a three-year long project where seven partner are collaborating on the development of next-generation solutions within distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) for real-time monitoring of the well-being of high-voltage power cables.  

The project (0224-00074A) is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark’s Grand Solution Program and executed by DFM – National Metrology Institute of Denmark, DTU – Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Maturix, Marlinks, LIOS Technology, Energinet and Denish Optical Fiber Innovation.

Why was the project initiated?

The Energy Strategy 2050 paper, published by the Danish government, outlines Denmark’s goal of becoming independent of fossil fuel and move to green energy. A key role in the transition towards a CO2-neutral energy sector is played by wind power. A stable energy supply will require balancing the energy supply from remote and widely separated sources, such as the North Sea windfarms. It is therefore extremely vital that the long-distance energy grid is reliable and operates at maximum capacity. 

Current systems for monitoring power cables are limited to 70 km, which is insufficient to cover the length of most overseas cables and the feeder cables to the planned Sea Wind Power Hub islands. To mitigate the risk, and cost, of power cable failures, as the one recently experienced on Skagerrak 4 high-voltage cable, GO-SENS seeks to increase the sensing distance of distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) technology to ~200 km and to enhance differentiation between temperature and strain effects.

Objectives we want to achieve

to 200 km

and strain

Benchmark the developed sensor solution against existing commercial systems

Project partners

The project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark’s Grand Solution Program and executed by the following partners: 

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